How to play Dominant Species: rules, setup and how to win explained

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By: Melanie Davis


I have to say, I wasn’t mightily impressed by the cover of the board game when I first saw it, but at my husband’s persistent badgering, I gave the game a try – and I have to say, Dominant Species turned out to be a lot more fun than I thought it would.

The game’s blend of worker placement, area control, and adaptation mechanics creates an intricate and ever-evolving ecosystem of strategies. You must carefully balance offense and defense, adapt your species to new conditions, and outmaneuver opponents to become the dominant species. Dominant Species demands critical thinking, adaptability, and a keen understanding of your opponents’ intentions.

I’ve actually played this game 6 more times since, and each session felt refreshingly new and I would definitely recommend this game if you haven’t played it yet.

What’s included in Dominant Species

  1. Game Board: Represents the prehistoric world divided into hexagonal regions.
  2. Action Pawns: These represent the actions your species can perform.
  3. Species Markers: Mark the species of each player.
  4. Survival Cards: Indicate the available actions and events for the round.
  5. Element Markers: Represent Earth, Water, and Fire elements that determine turn order.
  6. Scoring Markers: Track the score of each player.
  7. Scoring Tiles: Indicate the scoring criteria for the game.
  8. Food Tokens: Represent food sources.
  9. Dominance Cards: Used to compete for dominance in various elements.

How to play Dominant Species

Dominant Species is a strategic board game where players take on the roles of various prehistoric fauna, aiming to survive and adapt in a changing ecosystem from the dawn of time. Like most games, you’re aiming to score the most points by the end of the game. Here’s a general overview of how to play Dominant Species:


  1. Place the game board in the center of the table.
  2. Each player chooses a species and takes the corresponding species marker, action pawns, and survival cards.
  3. Place the element markers on their respective tracks (Earth, Water, and Fire).
  4. Shuffle the dominance cards and place them face down.
  5. Place food tokens on the board as per the setup chart.
  6. Choose a starting player, who takes the lowest numbered element marker.

Rules for Dominant Species

Dominant Species is played over several rounds, each consisting of multiple phases.

1. Element Turn Order Phase

  • Players take turns based on the element markers’ order (Earth, Water, Fire). The lowest-numbered element goes first.

2. Execution Phase

  • In turn order, players place one action pawn on a survival card or action space on the board. Survival cards allow various actions, while board actions include migration, adaptation, speciation, glaciation, competition, and volcanic eruption.

3. Board Actions Phase

  • Resolve the actions on the board from top to bottom. These actions include:
    • Migration: Move species to adjacent regions.
    • Adaptation: Add or remove traits from species.
    • Speciation: Create new species on the board.
    • Glaciation: Remove food from the board.
    • Competition: Determine control of regions.
    • Volcanic Eruption: Trigger volcanic eruptions in selected regions.

4. Survival Cards Phase

  • In element order, players resolve actions on survival cards and gain food, traits, or other advantages.

5. Dominance Check Phase

  • Check dominance in each element by comparing the dominance cards played by players. The dominant species in each element scores points, and others lose points.

6. Action Pawn Recovery Phase

  • Retrieve action pawns from the board and return them to your supply.

7. Advance the Element Marker

  • Move the element markers up one space, adjusting the turn order.

8. Scoring Phase

  • Check the scoring tiles and award points based on specific criteria (e.g., controlling regions, surviving in hostile environments).

9. Advance the Epoch Marker

  • Move the epoch marker forward to the next round. The game progresses through multiple epochs.

10. End of Round

  • After the final epoch, calculate final scores, including points for controlled regions, remaining food, and other bonuses.

Winning the Game: The player with the highest total score at the end of the game wins.

For the official rules, see the link below:

How to win Dominant Species

1. Adapt and Evolve:

  • Adaptability is the key to success in Dominant Species. Keep an eye on the changing climate, available food, and the dominance cards in play, and adjust your strategy accordingly.
  • Don’t rely too heavily on a single element or strategy. Species with diverse traits are more likely to survive and thrive.

2. Understand Dominance Cards:

  • Dominance cards play a pivotal role in scoring, so plan your actions and card play around them. Prioritize elements in which you can dominate.
  • Timing is crucial. Play dominance cards strategically to secure dominance in key elements when scoring occurs.

3. Efficient Use of Action Pawns:

  • Action pawns are a limited resource, so use them wisely. Focus on actions that align with your current goals and dominance plans.
  • Be efficient with your pawn placement. Combining multiple actions in a single location can maximize your impact.

4. Balance Scoring Opportunities:

  • Pay attention to the scoring tiles and try to balance your efforts across different criteria. It’s often better to be competitive in several areas than dominant in only one or two.
  • Keep in mind that some scoring tiles reward diversity, so don’t neglect traits that allow your species to inhabit various environments.

5. Plan for Food Shortages:

  • Food shortages can be devastating, especially during glaciation events. Plan ahead by stockpiling food when possible and diversifying your food sources.
  • Adaptation actions can help your species survive in harsh conditions with limited food.

6. Control Regions Strategically:

  • Controlling regions not only provides points but also offers benefits like increased food production and adaptation opportunities. Focus on regions that align with your species’ traits and dominance goals.
  • Consider denying regions to opponents by competing for control. Blocking their expansion can disrupt their strategy.

7. Speciation for Control and Adaptation:

  • Speciating can be a powerful action, allowing you to spread and diversify your species quickly. Use this action to gain control of key regions or adapt to new environments.
  • Keep in mind that speciation can also be used defensively to protect against food shortages and glaciation.

8. Be Mindful of Interaction:

  • Dominant Species is highly interactive, and your opponents’ actions can impact your strategy. Pay attention to their moves and adapt accordingly.
  • Form alliances or temporary partnerships when it benefits you, but be prepared to compete when necessary.

9. Endgame Preparation:

  • The final scoring can be significant, so plan your endgame strategy carefully. Consider what scoring tiles are in play and how you can maximize your points in the last rounds.
  • Retain some action pawns for the late game to secure crucial actions and dominance.

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