Secret Hitler puts players in the chaotic world of pre-World War II Germany, where they assume the roles of politicians and try to navigate the treacherous landscape of hidden agendas and political deception.
Players take on the roles of either Liberals or Fascists, with the goal of either passing Liberal policies or electing Hitler as Chancellor. It’s a game where you’ll find yourself saying things like, “I swear I’m not a Fascist; I just don’t want to elect Hitler as Chancellor!” as you try to convince your fellow players to trust you.
And when the game reaches its climax with the reveal of Hitler, it’s like a dramatic plot twist that keeps everyone on the edge of their seats.
So, if you’re looking for a game that combines history, social deduction, and a healthy dose of humor, Secret Hitler is the tabletop experience that will have you shouting, laughing, and questioning your friends’ political allegiances in the most entertaining way possible!
What’s included in Secret Hitler

- Game board depicting the political track.
- Policy tiles (Liberal and Fascist policies).
- Role cards (Liberals, Fascists, and Hitler).
- Ja! and Nein! ballot cards.
- Election tracker and policy tracker markers.
- Fascist and Liberal policy tracks.
- Executive action and election tracker boards.
- Tokens for tracking policies, actions, and investigations.
How to play Secret Hitler

The goal for Liberals is to pass Liberal policies and uncover Hitler’s identity, while the Fascists aim to elect Hitler as Chancellor or pass enough Fascist policies to secure their victory.
- Place the game board in the center of the table.
- Shuffle the policy tiles and place them face down.
- Shuffle the role cards and distribute one to each player. Players secretly look at their roles and keep them hidden.
- Place the policy tracker markers at the center of the policy track.
- Place the election tracker marker on the “1” space of the election tracker board.
- Set up the Executive action board and the Fascist policy track board nearby.
- Determine the number of Fascists based on the player count, and the number of Liberals accordingly.
- Determine the starting President and Chancellor. These roles rotate clockwise each turn.
Rules for Secret Hitler
Secret Hitler is played in rounds, with each round having a series of phases.
- Election: The President nominates a Chancellor, and players vote with the Ja! or Nein! cards. If the vote passes, the nominated Chancellor takes office.
- Legislative Session: The President draws three policy tiles from the deck, discards one face-down, and passes the remaining two to the Chancellor. The Chancellor then discards one policy tile and enacts the other, placing it on the corresponding policy track. If a Fascist policy is enacted, the President gains special Executive powers, which may include investigating other players or assassinating them.
- Executive Actions: The President uses any applicable Executive powers. This might include examining a player’s role card or assassinating a player.
- Policy Tracking: Move the policy tracker markers based on the policies enacted.
- Winning the Game: The game ends when one side (Liberals or Fascists) achieves their victory condition.
Winning Conditions:
- Liberals win by enacting five Liberal policies or successfully identifying Hitler and passing three Liberal policies.
- Fascists win by enacting six Fascist policies or electing Hitler as Chancellor after three Fascist policies have been enacted.
How to win Secret Hitler
Strategies for the freedom loving liberals
Playing as a Liberal in Secret Hitler can be challenging, as your goal is to pass Liberal policies and identify who Hitler is among the other players. Here are some strategies to help you succeed as a Liberal:
- Communication is Key: Liberal players should communicate openly and share information. Discuss your suspicions and observations with fellow Liberals to gain a clearer picture of who might be a Fascist or Hitler.
- Vote Wisely: During elections, vote cautiously. It’s essential to prevent Hitler from becoming Chancellor. If you have doubts about the nominated Chancellor, vote “Nein!” to block their election. If you trust the President, vote “Ja!” to allow them to continue nominating Chancellors.
- Chancellor Nomination: As President, nominate Chancellors you trust and who have shown themselves to be loyal Liberals. This reduces the risk of passing Fascist policies.
- Policy Examination: Pay attention to the policies enacted. If a Fascist policy is passed, it’s crucial to investigate who might be responsible. Liberals can use this information to identify potential Fascists.
- Examine Role Cards: If you become President and pass a Fascist policy, you gain an Executive action. Use this power to examine another player’s role card discreetly. Be strategic about whom you choose to investigate, as it can provide valuable information.
- Use the “Not Hitler” Strategy: If you trust a player not to be Hitler, you can nominate them as Chancellor even if they may be a Fascist. This allows you to confirm their role publicly while preventing Hitler from becoming Chancellor.
- Stay Calm: Fascists may try to frame Liberals by passing Fascist policies while in power. Stay calm and consider the overall context of the game before making accusations.
- Identify Hitler: Your ultimate goal is to identify Hitler. Look for behaviors that seem suspicious or deceptive. Hitler may try to blend in, but there might be subtle cues that give them away.
- Track Played Policies: Keep track of the policies that have been played. This can help you deduce which policies are still in the deck and guide your decisions.
- Trust, but Verify: Even when trusting a fellow Liberal, remain vigilant. Fascists can pretend to be Liberals until the right moment to strike. Trust, but verify their loyalty through actions and policy choices.
Remember that Secret Hitler is a game of deduction and social interaction. Trust your instincts, but be prepared to adapt your strategies as new information comes to light. The key to Liberal victory is working together, sharing information, and ultimately exposing Hitler and the Fascists while preventing the rise of the Third Reich. Remember that “Secret Hitler” is a game of deduction and social interaction. Trust your instincts, but be prepared to adapt your strategies as new information comes to light. The key to Liberal victory is working together, sharing information, and ultimately exposing Hitler and the Fascists while preventing the rise of the Third Reich.
For the official rules, see the link below:
Let’s take down those pesky liberals, shall we?
Playing as a Fascist in Secret Hitler means your goal is to pass Fascist policies, protect Hitler’s identity, and ultimately secure a Fascist victory. Here are some strategies to help you succeed as a Fascist:
- Blend In: Act like a Liberal and avoid raising suspicion. Early in the game, it’s vital not to draw attention to yourself by opposing Liberal policies or making aggressive moves.
- Build Trust: Gain the trust of other players, especially Liberals. Work together with them to pass Liberal policies, which can help establish your credibility.
- Selective Sabotage: As a Fascist, you have opportunities to discard Fascist policies during the Legislative Session. Be selective in choosing when to do this. Sometimes, it’s better to let a Liberal policy pass to maintain trust.
- Protect Hitler: Ensure Hitler is not nominated as Chancellor until at least three Fascist policies have been enacted. Once Hitler becomes Chancellor after that, you can aim for a quick victory.
- Accuse Liberals: If suspicions arise, consider accusing other players of being Fascists. This can deflect attention away from the real Fascists and create doubt among Liberals.
- Mislead with Policies: Use the policies you pass strategically. Sometimes, you may want to pass Liberal policies early to appear innocent. Later in the game, you can work with other Fascists to pass multiple Fascist policies in quick succession.
- Defend Your Fellow Fascists: If a fellow Fascist is accused, defend them and vouch for their loyalty. This can help maintain a united front and protect your team’s interests.
- Manipulate Elections: Use your votes to control elections. In situations where you have the majority, you can ensure that a Fascist-friendly Chancellor is elected.
- Beware of Investigation: Be cautious when investigated by the President. You can’t prevent this, but you can prepare for it. If you’re investigated and your Fascist allegiance is exposed, try to spin it in your favor by pointing out that you had no choice in your policy draws.
- Use Hitler Wisely: Hitler should avoid taking the spotlight early in the game. It’s better for Hitler to remain inconspicuous until the late game when a Fascist victory is within reach.
Remember that the key to winning as a Fascist is deception and misdirection. Your success relies on your ability to work covertly with other Fascists while appearing to be a loyal Liberal. Playing the long game and strategically choosing when to reveal your true allegiance can lead to victory for the Fascists in Secret Hitler.