How to play Love Letter: rules, cards and how to win explained

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By: Melanie Davis


Welcome to Love Letter, the game where your romantic pursuits are about as discreet as a marching band in a library.

Imagine you’re the Casanova or Cupid of the kingdom, trying to win the affections of the most sought-after beau or belle. It’s like starring in your own romantic comedy, but with more cloak-and-dagger antics and fewer tearful airport farewells.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it (and you have no choice, really), is to get a love letter into the trembling hands of your secret crush. Sounds easy, right? Well, good luck with that because the palace is swarming with guards who are more nosy than a detective with a magnifying glass.

It’s like trying to steal the last piece of cake at a party without anyone noticing, but with a twist—you want everyone to notice, just not the guards. So, gather your most flirtatious charm, hone your poker face, and get ready to embark on the most whimsical romantic escapade ever.

What’s included in Love Letter

  • 16 cards with values ranging from 1 to 8 (representing characters in the court).
  • 4 reference cards (one for each player).
  • Tokens or a scoring sheet for tracking rounds won (optional).

How to play Love Letter

“Love Letter” is a fast-paced card game designed for 2 to 4 players. The objective is to deliver your love letter to the Princess by being the player with the highest-valued card at the end of the round.


  1. Shuffle the 16 character cards and place them face-down in a draw pile.
  2. Deal one card face-down to each player. This card represents their starting hand.
  3. Place the remaining deck of cards within reach.

Gameplay: The game is played over a series of rounds. Each round consists of the following steps:

  1. Draw a Card: On your turn, draw one card from the deck to add to your hand. You should always have two cards in your hand at the beginning of your turn.
  2. Play a Card: Choose one of the two cards in your hand to play and resolve its effect. Each character card has a special ability, and the goal is to use these abilities to eliminate other players or have the highest-value card when the deck runs out.
    • For example, the Guard (value 1) allows you to name a character card (e.g., “I think you have the Baron”). If the named card is in another player’s hand, that player is eliminated from the round.
    • The Princess (value 8) is the most valuable card. If you ever discard or have to reveal the Princess, you’re immediately eliminated from the round.
  3. Continue Play: Continue taking turns clockwise. Players take turns playing cards and using their abilities until one of the following end-of-round conditions is met:
    • There’s only one player remaining (they win the round).
    • The draw pile is empty, and the player with the highest-valued card in their hand wins the round.

Winning the Game: Players can agree on a set number of rounds to play (e.g., 5 rounds), or they can use tokens or a scoring sheet to keep track of rounds won. The player with the most round wins at the end is the overall winner.

All cards in Love Letter (base game)

Here are the 16 character cards in Love Letter:

  1. Guard (x5) – Value 1
    • Ability: Choose a player and name a character card (e.g., “I think you have the Baron”). If that player has the named card, they are eliminated from the round.
  2. Priest (x2) – Value 2
    • Ability: Look at another player’s hand. You get to see what card they are holding.
  3. Baron (x2) – Value 3
    • Ability: Compare hands with another player of your choice. The player with the lower-valued card is eliminated from the round.
  4. Handmaid (x2) – Value 4
    • Ability: Protect yourself from all card effects until the start of your next turn. You cannot be targeted by other players’ cards.
  5. Prince (x2) – Value 5
    • Ability: Choose any player (including yourself) to discard their hand and draw a new card. This can potentially lead to the elimination of a player holding the Princess.
  6. King (x1) – Value 6
    • Ability: Trade hands with another player of your choice. You exchange your entire hand with the chosen player’s hand.
  7. Countess (x1) – Value 7
    • Ability: Must be played if you hold the King or Prince. You don’t have to use their abilities, but you must play the Countess if you have one of these higher-value cards in your hand.
  8. Princess (x1) – Value 8
    • Ability: If you ever discard the Princess card for any reason, you are immediately eliminated from the round.

For the official rules, see the links below:

How to win Love Letter

While there’s an element of luck involved due to the card drawing, here are some strategies to increase your chances of winning:

  1. Pay Attention to Card Count: Keep track of which cards have been played and which are still in the deck. This helps you make more informed decisions about which cards your opponents might be holding.
  2. Bluff Effectively: Bluffing is a crucial part of the game. Use the Guard card wisely by making educated guesses about your opponents’ cards. It’s important to vary your guesses and not always target the same player with the same card.
  3. Use Character Abilities Strategically:
    • Guard: If you have a Guard card, consider targeting players who have recently drawn cards, as they are more likely to have valuable cards in their hands.
    • Priest: Use the Priest to gather information about your opponents’ hands, especially when you suspect they are holding valuable cards.
    • Baron: If you have the Baron, compare hands with players who have just drawn cards. This can potentially eliminate a player with a lower-value card.
    • Handmaid: Play the Handmaid when you have a high-value card in your hand to protect it from other players’ actions.
    • Prince: Be cautious when playing the Prince, as it can affect your own hand as well. Use it strategically to target opponents who may be holding a Princess.
    • King: The King is valuable for trading hands with opponents, potentially giving you access to their high-value cards.
    • Countess: Play the Countess when you have a King or Prince in your hand. It can help you maintain a poker face and avoid being targeted.
    • Princess: Always be careful when holding the Princess, as discarding it will result in your elimination from the round. Consider using it strategically if you have no other options.
  4. Protect High-Value Cards: If you have a high-value card like the Princess or a high-value card in combination with the Handmaid, try to protect it as long as possible. You want to avoid being forced to discard it.
  5. Adapt to the Game State: Adjust your strategy based on the cards you have and the actions of your opponents. If you’re in a strong position, you might want to play conservatively. If you’re behind, take calculated risks.
  6. Eliminate Players: Don’t hesitate to eliminate opponents when you have the opportunity, especially if they are likely holding high-value cards.
  7. Watch Your Opponents: Pay attention to their behavior and reactions. Sometimes, their expressions or decisions can reveal information about their hand.
  8. Play for the Long Game: Remember that Love Letter is often played in multiple rounds. Even if you don’t win a particular round, focus on accumulating points over several rounds to secure victory.

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