How to play Fury of Dracula: rules, setup and how to win explained

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By: Mark Davis


Amidst the dense fog that cloaked the gaslit streets of Victorian Europe, a sinister presence stirred. Count Dracula, the ancient vampire, emerged from the shadows, casting a malevolent pall over the land.

As darkness fell, a brave group of vampire hunters assembled, determined to thwart the vampire lord’s unholy reign of terror. Their quest was one of relentless pursuit, as the hunters traversed the treacherous landscape, deciphering cryptic clues and grappling with their deepest fears.

Each step taken brought them closer to the heart of darkness, where the chilling whispers of the undead and the palpable dread of an impending encounter with the lord of the night hung heavy in the air.

In the moonlight, amidst a backdrop of crumbling castles and haunted forests, a final confrontation loomed—a battle for the very soul of Europe itself. Fury of Dracula weaves a spine-tingling horror story where the hunters must confront not only the vampire’s physical presence but also the creeping dread that ensnares the mind in the face of the supernatural.

What’s included in Fury of Dracula

  1. Game Board: Represents the map of Europe, divided into cities and connected by roads and sea routes.
  2. Dracula’s Screen: Conceals Dracula’s location and actions.
  3. Dracula’s Character Tokens: Used to track Dracula’s location secretly.
  4. Hunter Character Sheets: Representing each hunter’s unique abilities.
  5. Encounter Cards: Used for combat and special events.
  6. Event Cards: Contain various events that affect the game.
  7. Item Cards: Equipment for hunters.
  8. Power Cards: Special abilities for Dracula.
  9. Tokens: Used to track various game elements like influence, health, and bite markers.

How to play Fury of Dracula

Fury of Dracula is a board game of deduction, strategy, and hidden movement where one player assumes the role of Count Dracula, and the others take on the roles of vampire hunters. The goal of the hunters is to locate and defeat Dracula before he plunges Europe into darkness. Here’s a detailed guide on how to play:


  1. The Dracula player secretly selects a starting city for Dracula and places the corresponding character token on it.
  2. Each hunter player chooses a character sheet and takes the corresponding tokens, equipment, and event cards.
  3. Shuffle the encounter cards and item cards, and place them face-down.
  4. Set aside the event cards, power cards, and bite tokens.
  5. Dracula prepares his initial hand of encounter cards.
  6. Establish the first player (typically Dracula).
  7. Begin the time track at the appropriate round marker.

Rules for Fury of Dracula

The game is played over a series of rounds, each consisting of several phases:

1. Dracula’s Phase:

  • Dracula secretly selects an encounter card from his hand to resolve its effect.
  • Dracula moves his character token on the map, following the rules of movement, and leaves a trail of location cards behind.
  • Dracula may perform actions based on his location, such as creating traps or playing event cards.

2. Hunter’s Phase:

  • Hunters take turns in a predetermined order, during which they can perform actions such as moving, searching for clues, or trading items.
  • Hunters can use event cards, items, and abilities to gather information about Dracula’s location or combat minions.

3. Dracula’s Encounter Phase:

  • If Dracula’s location matches a city card left in the trail, he reveals it and resolves its encounter.
  • Combat may occur if hunters encounter Dracula directly, his minions, or traps.

4. Dracula’s Event Phase:

  • Dracula resolves the event card he selected at the beginning of the round.

5. Time Advances:

  • Move the time track one round forward.
  • If Dracula reaches a new week, he adds encounter cards to his hand.

Winning and Losing:

  • Dracula wins if he advances his influence track to the end or if the hunters run out of event cards.
  • The hunters win if they defeat Dracula in combat or if they find and confront him before he achieves his victory conditions.

For the official rules, see the link below:

How to win Fury of Dracula

For Dracula

  1. Maintain Elusiveness: Dracula’s strength lies in his ability to remain hidden. Use your special abilities and the hidden movement mechanic to your advantage. Try to keep the hunters guessing about your location.
  2. Leave Misdirection: Create diversions in your trail by moving erratically or even doubling back on your own path occasionally. This can lead the hunters away from your true location.
  3. Minion Placement: Deploy minions strategically to harass and distract the hunters. Minions can disrupt the hunters’ plans and make them waste valuable time dealing with threats.
  4. Use Power Cards Wisely: Dracula’s power cards have unique abilities that can be game-changing. Timing is crucial; use them to your advantage, whether to escape, disrupt, or mislead the hunters.
  5. Vampiric Influence: Don’t forget about your influence track. If you advance it too quickly, the hunters might become suspicious and locate you more easily. Balance your influence to achieve victory without drawing too much attention.

For the Hunters

  1. Effective Communication: Coordination is key among the hunters. Share information, discuss Dracula’s possible locations, and plan your moves as a team.
  2. Clues and Deduction: Pay close attention to the trail cards and any information you gather. Try to deduce Dracula’s movements and predict his likely path. Look for patterns in his trail.
  3. Hunt in Pairs: Pairing up hunters can be effective. One hunter can search for clues or engage in combat while the other maintains a position to react quickly to Dracula’s potential sightings.
  4. Use Items and Abilities: Hunters have various items and abilities at their disposal. Use them strategically to gain an advantage in combat, gather information, or heal wounds.
  5. Track Influence: Keep an eye on Dracula’s influence track. If it’s advancing rapidly, prioritize finding and confronting him before he achieves his victory condition.
  6. Time Management: Manage the game’s time track efficiently. Rushing can lead to mistakes, but being too cautious might give Dracula time to elude capture. Find the right balance.
  7. Collaborate with Event Cards: Use event cards to your advantage. Some cards can provide valuable information, while others may hinder Dracula’s progress.

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