Dead of Winter is a gripping tabletop board game set during a harsh winter during a zombie apocalypse. Players take on the roles of survivors in a besieged colony, where they must work together to overcome the dual threats of the undead and dwindling supplies.
However, there’s a twist: Each player has a secret objective, which may not align with the group’s goals. Suspicion and tension run high as players must decide whether to trust their fellow survivors or protect their own interests, all while fighting off hordes of zombies and battling the unforgiving winter cold.
Dead of Winter challenges players to make tough decisions, cooperate to ensure the colony’s survival, and navigate the complex web of loyalties and secrets in a desperate struggle for survival.
What’s included in Dead of Winter?

- Game board depicting the colony and locations.
- Survivor cards representing the characters you control.
- Crossroad cards that trigger events based on player actions.
- Crisis cards that must be resolved each round.
- Main objective and personal objective cards.
- Tokens representing various resources like food, fuel, and weapons.
- Action dice used to perform actions.
- Zombie and survivor standees.
How to play Dead of Winter

The primary objective of Dead of Winter is to complete the main objective specified on the scenario card, while also trying to fulfill your secret personal objective. The game can end in several ways, including success if the main objective is completed or failure if certain conditions are met.
- Choose a scenario: Select a scenario card that outlines the main objective and special rules for the game.
- Place the main objective card face-up in the play area and shuffle the personal objective cards, dealing one to each player. Keep your personal objective secret.
- Set up the colony: Populate the colony with starting survivors and resources according to the scenario card. Place the colony location at the center of the board.
- Create the survivor deck: Shuffle the survivor cards and draw a number of survivors equal to the player count, placing them at the colony.
- Create the search deck: Shuffle the search cards and place them face-down near the board.
- Place starting zombies: Place zombies in locations according to the scenario card.
- Determine the first player: The player with the most facial hair goes first (or any method you prefer).
Rules for Dead of Winter
Dead of Winter is played over a series of rounds, each consisting of several phases:
- Player Turns
- On your turn, take the following actions:
- Perform actions: Spend action dice to move survivors, search, attack zombies, or complete other actions.
- Contribute to the crisis: If you’re at the colony, contribute necessary cards to meet the crisis requirements.
- Attack zombies: If you’re at a location with zombies, roll an exposure die when attacking. It may result in wounds or other consequences.
- Search: Spend an action to search a location. Draw a search card and resolve it.
- On your turn, take the following actions:
- Crossroads Phase
- If the active player’s actions trigger a crossroads card, it is read aloud, and the choices presented on the card may affect the game’s outcome.
- Colony Phase
- Check the crisis cards. If the colony does not contribute enough cards to meet the crisis requirement, negative consequences occur.
- Zombie Phase
- Add new zombies to locations and resolve zombie attacks on survivors.
- Round End
- Check if the main objective has been completed. If not, advance the round tracker.
Winning and Losing: Dead of Winter can end in various ways:
- Success: The game ends with a win if the main objective is completed.
- Betrayal: If a player completes their secret personal objective and the main objective isn’t met, they win individually, and the group loses.
- Failure: The group loses if the main objective isn’t completed, or if the colony falls into despair.
For the official rules, see the link below:
How to win Dead of Winter as a non-traitor
Surviving in “Dead of Winter” can be challenging due to the constant threats of zombies, limited resources, and the potential for betrayal. Here are some survival tips to help you navigate the game successfully:
- Communicate and Collaborate:
- Open communication is crucial. Share information about your objectives, your available cards, and your planned actions with your fellow players.
- Work together to achieve the main objective, as this is the primary path to victory.
- Manage the Colony:
- Keep the colony well-supplied with essential resources like food, fuel, and medicine. These resources are vital for your survival.
- Contribute to the crisis as needed to prevent morale from falling. Low morale can lead to a loss.
- Deal with Zombies Efficiently:
- When attacking zombies, consider using characters with good combat abilities and appropriate weapons to minimize the risk of getting wounded.
- Use noise tokens strategically to divert zombies away from important locations and survivors.
- Search Wisely:
- Be selective when searching locations. Prioritize cards that will help you fulfill the current crisis or your personal objective.
- Avoid overextending your survivors by searching too aggressively. Remember that exposure to the elements can result in wounds.
- Maintain a Balanced Group:
- Ensure your group consists of characters with a variety of skills and abilities. Having a balanced team can help you tackle different challenges effectively.
- Don’t hesitate to exile uncooperative players if their actions are hindering the group’s progress or if you suspect they have hidden agendas.
- Watch for Betrayal:
- Keep an eye on your fellow players’ actions and behavior. If someone is acting suspiciously or not contributing to the group effort, they may be pursuing their secret personal objective at the group’s expense.
- Consider using the “Vote to Exile” action to remove potential traitors from the game.
- Complete Objectives Strategically:
- Balance your efforts between fulfilling the main objective and your secret personal objective. You don’t want to become too obvious as a traitor, but you also want to make progress toward your own goals.
- If you are the traitor, remember that you still need to maintain the appearance of cooperation until you can fulfill your personal objective.
- Adapt to the Crossroads Cards:
- Be prepared for unexpected events triggered by Crossroads cards. Some events can be advantageous, while others may present challenges. Plan your actions accordingly.
- Plan for the Late Game:
- As the game progresses, resources become scarcer. Ensure you have a strategy for the late game when supplies may run low, and you need to prioritize completing objectives.
- Stay Flexible:
- Be ready to adjust your strategy based on the evolving situation. Adapt to the changing colony conditions, the actions of other players, and the game’s unpredictability.
How to win Dead of Winter as a traitor
Playing as a traitor in Dead of Winter adds a layer of complexity and intrigue to the game. Your objective is to secretly work against the group’s goals while appearing cooperative. Here are some strategies to help you win as a traitor:
- Blend In: Act like a helpful and cooperative player. Don’t draw unnecessary attention to yourself. Make moves that benefit the group, such as contributing to the crisis or helping with tasks.
- Pretend to Fulfill the Main Objective: Help the group make progress toward the main objective, even if it’s against your true goal. This will make you seem like a valuable team player.
- Sabotage the Colony:
- Gradually undermine the colony’s well-being. Contribute cards to the crisis that will fail if possible.
- Delay or obstruct actions that could benefit the group, like constructing necessary buildings or collecting specific items.
- Manipulate Morale: If you can, contribute crisis cards that lower morale. A low morale level can lead to the colony’s downfall, providing an alternative path to victory for you.
- Divert Attention: Create distractions to keep suspicion away from you. Suggest missions or actions that lead survivors away from the main objective or critical locations.
- Use Exposure: If the opportunity arises, expose your survivors to the elements, increasing the risk of them getting wounded or killed. This can help you fulfill your secret personal objective.
- Play Crossroads Cards Strategically: If you draw a Crossroads card that can create chaos or hinder the group’s progress, try to trigger it when it benefits your hidden agenda. However, be cautious not to make it too obvious.
- Divide the Group: Encourage other players to explore different locations or send survivors on missions. A divided group is easier to manipulate and disrupt.
- Betray When the Time is Right: Timing is crucial. Reveal your betrayal when the group is already struggling or when their focus is on other challenges. Surprise is your ally.
- Fulfill Your Personal Objective Quietly: Work toward your secret personal objective subtly, taking actions that align with it without drawing attention to your goal. Once you’ve achieved it, reveal your traitor status and win the game.
- Maintain a Poker Face: Keep your emotions in check. Don’t show signs of guilt, nervousness, or excitement when your traitor actions succeed or when the group faces difficulties.
- Exile and Accuse Others: Suggest exiling other players, especially if you can frame them as traitors. This can create confusion and divert suspicion away from you.