How to play Cutthroat Caverns: rules, setup and strategies explained

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By: Mark Davis


Cutthroat Caverns is a card game that plunges players into the treacherous depths of a dark and ominous cavern system. In this cutthroat world, players take on the roles of adventurers, but there’s a twist – only one can emerge victorious, and teamwork is fleeting.

The game thrives on betrayal and cunning strategies as players must work together to defeat deadly monsters lurking in the caverns, all while secretly plotting to sabotage their companions and steal the glory for themselves.

It’s a game that rewards tactical cunning and keeps players on the edge of their seats as they navigate the perilous depths of the caverns, never knowing if their closest allies will become their deadliest adversaries.

What’s included in Cutthroat Caverns?

·  Game Cards: These are the heart of the game and include a variety of cards with different effects, such as monsters, events, and items. Players use these cards to navigate the dungeon, attack monsters, and sabotage their fellow adventurers.

·  Character Cards: Each player receives a character card representing their unique abilities and traits. These cards affect gameplay and can provide strategic advantages.

·  Initiative Cards: Initiative cards determine the order in which players take their turns. They add an element of randomness and unpredictability to the game.

·  Damage Tokens: Damage tokens are used to keep track of the damage dealt to monsters and characters during encounters.

·  Experience Tokens: Players earn experience tokens for their contributions in defeating monsters. These tokens can be used to level up and gain additional abilities.

·  Rules Booklet: The rules booklet contains instructions on how to play the game and provides details about card interactions, character abilities, and game flow.

How to play Cutthroat Caverns

Cutthroat Caverns” is a competitive card game that combines teamwork and treachery as players navigate a deadly dungeon filled with monsters and traps. The game consists of a series of encounters, and the objective is to earn the most prestige points by the end. Here’s a detailed guide on how to play:


  1. Place the Encounter Deck in the center of the table, face-down.
  2. Shuffle the Initiative Deck and deal one face-down card to each player. The player with the lowest initiative becomes the first player.
  3. Each player chooses an adventurer card and takes the corresponding ability cards.
  4. Shuffle the Event Deck and place it face-down beside the Encounter Deck.
  5. Players start with 1 Fate token each.
  6. Place the Wound deck, Health tokens, and First Player token within reach.

Rules for Cutthroat Caverns

  1. Initiative Phase:
    • Players reveal their Initiative cards simultaneously. The player with the lowest initiative becomes the first player for this round.
    • Initiative determines the turn order, which can be crucial for strategic play.
  2. Planning Phase:
    • During this phase, players secretly select and play action cards from their hands.
    • Action cards can include attacks, heals, item plays, and other special abilities. These cards are used to affect the encounter or other players’ actions.
    • Players can also use Fate tokens to modify their Initiative or actions, adding an element of surprise.
  3. Action Phase:
    • Starting with the first player and proceeding in initiative order, each player resolves their chosen actions.
    • Players can attack monsters, heal themselves or others, use items, and trigger special abilities on their adventurer cards.
    • Encounters may have specific rules or conditions that players must follow.
  4. Encounter Phase:
    • After all players have taken their actions, the encounter’s effects are resolved. This may include the monster’s attacks, special abilities, or other event cards.
  5. End of Round:
    • If the encounter is not completed (i.e., the monster is not defeated), players may continue to the next round.
    • If the encounter is completed, players receive prestige points based on the encounter card’s value.
    • Players may earn bonus prestige points for achievements, secret objectives, or fulfilling specific adventurer abilities.
  6. Cleanup:
    • Discard played action cards and refresh your hand to its starting size (usually five cards).
    • The First Player token passes to the next player clockwise, and a new round begins.

Cutthroat Caverns is played over a series of encounters, and each encounter consists of several rounds. Here’s how a typical round of an encounter works:

Winning: The game continues through a series of encounters. The player with the most prestige points at the end wins the game. In the case of a tie, the player with the most Fate tokens left wins.

For the official rules, see the links below:

All adventurers in Cutthroat Caverns

Cutthroat Caverns features a variety of adventurers, each with their own unique abilities and specializations. These adventurers add depth and strategy to the game as players choose which character to embody. Here are all the adventurers from the base game:

  1. Sir Justice:
    • Specialization: Melee Fighter
    • Ability: Sir Justice deals additional damage in melee combat.
  2. Sir Cuthbert:
    • Specialization: Ranged Fighter
    • Ability: Sir Cuthbert is skilled with ranged weapons and can deal damage from a distance.
  3. Lyssandra, the Arcane:
    • Specialization: Spellcaster
    • Ability: Lyssandra excels at using spells and can cast powerful magic to affect encounters.
  4. Silhouette:
    • Specialization: Stealthy Rogue
    • Ability: Silhouette is a master of stealth and can avoid encounters or deal sneak attacks.
  5. Astrid:
    • Specialization: Healer
    • Ability: Astrid is a skilled healer, capable of restoring health to herself and her companions.
  6. Talon:
    • Specialization: Dual-Wielder
    • Ability: Talon is proficient with dual weapons and can make multiple attacks.
  7. Torbin:
    • Specialization: Trapper
    • Ability: Torbin is adept at setting traps and can control encounters with clever tactics.
  8. Brianna:
    • Specialization: Area-of-Effect (AoE) Specialist
    • Ability: Brianna can deal damage to multiple targets in encounters.
  9. Malikar:
    • Specialization: Tactician
    • Ability: Malikar can manipulate encounters and change their conditions to his advantage.
  10. Kalyndra:
    • Specialization: Fear-Inducing
    • Ability: Kalyndra can terrify enemies and make them less effective in encounters.
  11. Baelor:
    • Specialization: Tank
    • Ability: Baelor has high health and can absorb damage for the group.
  12. Ambrosia:
    • Specialization: Elemental Specialist
    • Ability: Ambrosia can control elemental forces in encounters.

Each adventurer brings a unique playstyle to the game, and choosing the right character for the situation can be crucial to success. Players must balance cooperation with their fellow adventurers while also pursuing personal goals and strategies to earn prestige points and win the game.

Strategies to win Cutthroat Caverns

  1. Cooperation is Key: While you’ll need to betray your fellow adventurers at some point, cooperating early on is essential to survive the initial encounters. Team up to defeat monsters and accumulate prestige points.
  2. Timing Betrayals: Betrayals are crucial for gaining prestige points, but they must be well-timed. Betray when it benefits you most or when it disrupts an opponent’s plan. Don’t betray too early; wait for the right moment.
  3. Adapt to Encounters: Each encounter presents unique challenges. Be prepared to adjust your strategy and choose actions that best suit the encounter’s conditions. Some encounters may require healing, while others demand heavy damage output.
  4. Use Fate Tokens Wisely: Fate tokens can modify your actions, initiative, and more. Don’t spend them recklessly. Save them for critical moments, like securing the final blow on a monster or stealing a kill from an opponent.
  5. Aim for Achievements: Achievements provide bonus prestige points. Tailor your actions to earn them when possible. Achievements like “Last Blood” (dealing the final blow) and “Assisted Kill” (dealing the most damage) are valuable.
  6. Beware of Wounds: Accumulating wounds can severely hamper your ability to participate effectively. Keep your wound count low, either by avoiding damage or healing.
  7. Strategic Card Management: Consider when to use your powerful action cards. Holding onto them for the right moment can be more advantageous than using them early.
  8. Take Advantage of Abilities: Leverage your adventurer’s special abilities. Some abilities can be game-changers, so use them strategically.
  9. Track Your Opponents: Pay attention to your opponents’ actions and objectives. Knowing their strengths, weaknesses, and intentions can help you plan your betrayals effectively.
  10. Bluff and Misdirection: Sometimes, it’s useful to make others believe you’re going to betray when you’re not. This can create chaos and uncertainty among your opponents.
  11. Balance of Power: Keep an eye on the prestige points of other players. If someone is close to winning, consider targeting them or forming temporary alliances to prevent their victory.
  12. Don’t Get Overzealous: Pursuing prestige points aggressively can make you a target. Balance your betrayals with cooperative play to avoid becoming a common enemy.

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